Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Membership Committee Meeting October 13th Tuesday

WOWOWOWOW-- Thanks everyone in the HAAC "Center of the Center" Membership committee for responding to my email and SOOO quickly.

We will be meeting at Jen Chambers house on Tuesday, October 13 from 7:00 - 8:00pm to brainstorm and share ideas. Light dinner provided...bring yourself and thoughts for how our membership levels can be revamped to include more people and businesses in our Center of the Universe!

Directions: 901 S. Center St. Ashland, VA home: 368-0678 or cell: 304-5588 (corner of New and Center St. - on the tracks. Large harmless dog - Shirley may greet you!)

P.S. If you can't meet that date - no worries - I will be sending you an email to arrange another time! We will also be updating our cool HAAC blogsite with our progress! Just click on Committee (right hand side) to see our updates.

Always feel free to email your thoughts or pick up the phone 368-0678. I'm a night owl-usually - so calling late is fine with me! Thanks again and I look forward to our meeting on the 13th!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Committee Faire was great!

What a great meeting! I'm sure it had one of the highest attendances since I've been on the board. It was great. After discussing the usual business and hearing committee reports, the board adjourned for some snacks and visits to the beautiful committee tables to meet the chairpersons and decide which committee would be the best match for their talents! The Halloween Committee, chaired by Paige Christy, was decorated with a ghost and delightful witch finger cookies and other delicious sweets! The Bluemont Table had a gorgeous blue vase of home-grown flowers and the Memebership Table, chaired by Jen Chambers had enough energy to supply the whole room full of members and new members too!
We're certainly off to a great start! Look for a summary of the board minutes to follow! Next on the schedule for HAAC-Halloween. Come to center on Halloween Night, October 31, for some games, spooky music and lots of fun for everyone! Spoooooky!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Second Board Meeting 9/24- Committee Faire to come!

We're so excited about our second meeting of this new year! At our Committee Faire (new this year), board members will meet the chairpersons of each HAAC committee to learn about the responsibilites and the behind-the-scenes work that goes on! Check them out:

Standing Committees (meet consistently throughout the year):

  • Membership
  • Building
  • Finance
  • Newsletter
  • Publicity
  • Grounds
  • Outreach
Special Event Committees 2009-10 (meet as needed throughout the year):

  • Concert Ballet (Oct/Nov)
  • Halloween (Oct 31)
  • Holiday Event (Gingerbread House & more)
  • Hanover Idols (Feb 7)
  • Black History (Feb)
  • Railroad Run (April 10)
  • Fourth of July (July 4)
  • Bluemont (July August)
  • Special Seminars
Note: The Concert Ballet and Bluemont are special events where the event is organized and produced by a separate organization.

Following the Commitee Faire, we'll be posting more information about what the committees do and their members! Check back soon!