Tuesday, October 13, 2009

1st Membership Meeting 10-13-09 Attendance

The meeting was well attended! Thanks so much to the following (11) membership committee members who came and CONTRIBUTED so many thoughts and ideas. Minutes/ideas are being compiled and will be posted on this blog along with handouts.
  1. Annette Ardler
  2. Jen Chambers* (Chair)
  3. Susan Chambers
  4. Barbara Keeton
  5. Dave Klisz
  6. Carolyn Peart
  7. Christiane Riederer
  8. Tammy Roe
  9. Gwen Strane
  10. Mary Kay Thompson
  11. Patrick Warren
Members unable to attend who were certainly missed:)
Tracy Brown
Jill Grant
Elizabeth Melson

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again Jen for hosting and to everyone involved. I really enjoyed our discussion. I see great things in "the center's" future.
    Also thanks to Christiane for the chil; it was delicious!
