Friday, October 30, 2009


We are rekindling an old tradition of celebrating at the Center in January.
January 22nd will be a night to remember. Stay tuned for details!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Executive Board Meeting 10-22-09 Highlights

The second monthly meeting of the 2009-2010 Board of Directors took place on Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 7:30, despite lots of sickies everywhere!  We are so grateful to all who were able to attend and hope that those who were home are feeling much better by now! You were missed!  For more detailed reports. click on the committee on the sidebar to the right.
  1. Call to Order at 7:30
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of September Minutes
  4. Treasurer's Report
  5. Standing Committee (monthly)  Report Highlights: (committees not listed were absent).
  • Building Committee-beautiful new radiators! Need painting!
  • Publicity Committee-would love some more members-5 more board members signed on at the meeting!
  • Newsletter Committee-Target date of Nov.1.  Committee chairs-please send 100-150 words re: what's happening!
  • Membership Committee-lots of exciting ideas about image, memberships levels, a community card and membership mailouts.
     6.  Special Committee (as appropriate) Report Highlights:
  • Railroad Run Committee-did you know it's the oldest running road race in Virginia? (I didn't!) discussion re: Green Faire becoming separate committee, this event will be our biggest fundraiser since this year is without the Variety Show.
  • Holiday Weekend Committee-gingerbread house judging, Santa, toy donations, including a charitable donation were discussed.
  • Concert Ballet Committee-Nov. 15 3:00 The Nutcracker Suite. $8 adults, $5 children.
  • Outreach Committee-Black History Event Feb. 5,6 at Blackwell Auditorium, RMC.  True celebration of our history-needing more volunteers.
The board discussed further the importance of signing up for at least one of each type of committee under Unfinished Business  In New Business, continuation of learning about grants, grant writing, and updating our mission statement has been going along nicely.  A committee was recommended to help review and prioritize the new mission statement.  The board expressed sadness for our center's executive director's father who has been ill.  A suggestion was made re: adding a new committee for fundraising-by-laws would need to be studied.  Will carry this idea over for next month's old business.

  • Next board meeting-Thurs. Nov. 19
  • Halloween 2009-children decorate 1-3, Trick-or-Treat 6-9, Hanover Concert Band plays spooky music 6:45.
  • Train Day-Nov. 14
  • Holiday Weekend- Nov. 5-6
  • Railroad Run-April 10, 2010
The board meeting adjourned at 8:40.  Thanks all!


Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Committee Members October 31, 2009

Paige Christy Chair
Doris Hassell
Dave Klisz
Tammy Roe
Sylvia Spagna
Gwen Strane

Seminars/Speakers/Education Workshops Members 2009-10

Faith Boyle Chair
Rebecca Cline
Tammy Roe

Concert Ballet Members November 14, 2009 3pm

Rebecca Cline Chair
Paige Christy

Bluemont Members July-August 2010

Elizabeth Melson & Jen Chambers Co-Chairs
Paige Christy
Doris Hassell
Christiane Riederer
Mary Kay Thompson
Patrick Warren

Holiday Celebration December 5-6, 2009

Kelly Criste-Cook & Annette Ardler Co-Chairs
Lee Chambers
Jen Chambers
Susan Chambers
Paige Christy
Barbara Keeton (Elf and Mrs. Claus Costumes)
Ron Petitt
Sharon Stiles
Gwen Strane
Mary Kay Thompson
Patrick Warren

Hanover Idols Members February 7, 2010

Lorie Foley & Sue Watson (co-chairs)
Darcy Inge
Mary Kay Thompson
Patrick Warren

4th of July Members 2010

Barbara Keeton
Jerry Peart
Tammy Roe

Railroad Run Members 2009-10

Tammy Proffitt (RRR) & Ron Petitt (Green Fair)
Tracy Brown
Lee Chambers
Susan Chambers
Paige Christy
Jill Grant
Doris Hassell
Dave Klisz
Mike Spence

Outreach Committee Members 2009-10

Sharon Stiles (Chair)
Lee Chambers
Susan Chambers
Paige Christy
Samantha Krishnamurthy
Gwen Strane
Mike Spence

Publicity Committee Members 2009-10

Carolyn Peart (Chair)
Jen Chambers
Patrick Warren

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Concert Ballet Update 10-22-09

Save the Date! Sunday, November 15, 2009 3pm will be the Concert Ballet Performance "The Nutcracker Suite" at the center.
Cost- $8 Adults, $5 Children

We are looking for volunteers to help distribute posters, set up chairs, and serve light refreshments. We also need a coordinator for refreshments.

Please contact Rebecca Cline if you are interested in helping!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Membership Committee Members as of 10-21-09

  1. Annette Ardler
  2. Tracy Brown
  3. Jen Chambers* (Chair)
  4. Susan Chambers
  5. Kelly Criste-Cook
  6. Jill Grant
  7. Barbara Keeton
  8. Dave Klisz
  9. Elizabeth Melson
  10. Carolyn Peart
  11. Christiane Riederer
  12. Tammy Roe
  13. Gwen Strane
  14. Mary Kay Thompson
  15. Patrick Warren

Monday, October 19, 2009

2009 Membership Levels and Benefits

Click here to view our current membership levels and benefits.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall and Halloween at HAAC!

Happy Weekend everyone-
THANKS for the amazing posts Jen!  They're loaded with so much new information I can hardly stand it.  We are so lucky to share in your enthusiasm and grateful to you for getting your committee together and having such an incredibly successful meeting!  You. are. the. bees. knees.  It's such a wonderful look at what goes on behind the scenes and boy, plenty does for sure!
I'm also so excited to work with Curtis Shifflet, who is working with the board and offering advice on grant writing and tips for center improvement.  We have lots to learn and luckily, we have so many dedicated board members, good things are already starting to happen!
Our next board meeting will be at 7:30 on Thursday, October 22-we'll chat a little about the budget, Halloween Happenings, the holidays, fundraising ideas and much more I'm sure!  I'm looking forward to it-so many hardworking volunteers with exceptional and creative minds.
HAAC couldn't be in better hands!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Brainstorm FEEDBACK Survey - thanks for completing!!!


Please Respond By 10-19-09 MONDAY

Click here to fill out the survey:)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 13th - The Membership Committee's 1st Gathering

THIS IS A LONG POSTING because we had an awesome meeting! Take a look when you have some coffee in you! For non- Membership Committee folks -we welcome comments and ideas. Send all questions to Jen Chambers - we love feedback!

Anything in YELLOW is a TO DO—look for who it is intended for:). Anything RED is a “Living List” which can grow as I continue to receive EXCELLENT ideas and feedback from our committee members.

OVERALL COMMENTS: This was a TRUE “brainstorm” and sharing meeting. We all agreed that we need to educate the community about what our center is all about and where it is physically located. We all agreed that are events are amazing and we have a lot to brag about and need to let folks know what is currently going on in the new membership year. We all agreed that we need to work together to get many more members!!!

KUDOS to Susan Chambers who brainstormed with Lee prior to the meeting and had a “white paper” to share that contains advice from an EXPERT in marketing!!! ALSO Kudos to Christiane who prepared our chilli!!! We think food at meetings is a good thing!

***Board Review: Let us know if snacks should be at the board meetings and Membership Committee can be the first to bring goodies to share!

OUR BLOG Blog will be used to show what is happening in our committee.

ALL : Review the blog periodically and feel free to send Jen anything you wish to post for review. This will hopefully put everything on the “same” page! Elizabeth and Jen will be working with the other committee chairs to show how to add to the blog.

MEETINGS: Membership as a whole agreed to meet once a month –2 weeks prior to the regular board meeting. Subcommittees (see below) will meet as needed. In general we will try for the “Center” of the week two weeks before the regular board meeting. Oh...and round food will be served. Also Jen encouraged everyone to always feel free to call and to encourage all to send on their membership ideas. Being present is critical to success !!!

ALL : Let me know date preference for the next meeting- November 3rd Tuesday 7-8pm OR November 4th Wednesday 7-8pm OR November 7th Friday NOON-1pm


  • Board Members: 23 out of 40 on the board have paid dues.
  • Total HAAC Members as of 7 October: 39 members
  • Goal - to have at least 17 more members by December 2009!

Jen shared that the Executive board agreed to do a mail out to 17 folks that need to pay for the Jan. -Dec 2009 year. Discussion led to the review of the HAAC Newsletter from Spring 2005 which shows many more members listed. Jen stated that her neighbor – a former president of the center in 1991 said that there used to be a mail out each year and that was how she supported the center. She has not received a request for being a member for many years so does not give anymore. She mentioned that they used to have a holiday party each year in January to generate more membership. Topic of publicity to promote memberhip came up and Nettie shared that they were in need of finding a chair for the publicity committee. Jen said that she would be in contact with Meriwether and Faith regarding WHO SIGNED UP FOR WHAT COMMITTEE and will make sure it is posted on the blog.

Jen: Will do a mail out to board members that have NOT paid dues. Cards provided by Faith. Cards will be sent out by Friday October 16.
Jen: Will post all the members on our blog (for board members ONLY) AFTER the October 22nd meeting
Jen/Elizabeth: Will post the other committees on our blog and who signed up!
Faith: When sending out reminders about our next meeting via email – include a link to the BLOG and let folks know we will be collecting dues – so bring their check books!
***Board Review: In the past members were listed on the paper newsletter – can we have members on an electronic list on the website?

MISSION/SHARING (5 main items and then look for the brainstorm below)

#1 NEW MISSION STATEMENT: Membership committee is excited for the strategy and NEW mission statement. All agreed that are community needes to be educated on what the center is and does. Jen shared that Meriwether, Paige and Faith met with Curtis Friday October 9th and that strategic planning and forming a new mission statement is an important "first step" for our center. Curtis would like to use a smaller group to do a workshop to achieve this goal. I told our committee that there would be sign ups for this workshop at our next board meeting and that it should be something we can knock out in a few hours. I encouraged all the membership folks to attend – a great group like this will be very useful!

ALL: Consider signing up for the Strategy Planning and Mission Statement workshop. More information will be provided by Meriwether/Faith

#2 NAME CHANGE: All are in agreement that we need a new NAME and new materials brochure and electronic materials to sell memberships to our Center. All agreed that many town members do not know what HAAC means and it's location.

Name Ideas and Slogans:

Hanover Activities Center (since we do not have regular Art classes- leave the art out)

Hanover Community Center (suggestion from Lee Chambers – idea of Hanover included might help with more grants)

Ashland Community Center (focus on our town proper – what should be our target audience was discussed)

Our Center of the Center

THE Center at the Center of the Universe

Are you Centered?

Center-center - HOW CAN WE MAKE IT GLORIOUS? (Carolyn's Idea)

Keep Hanover Arts and Activities Center but always refer to HAAC as "the center"

For a logo (Barbara Keeton's Idea) Have C E N T E R be in larger font so that it stands out

ALL: The Name Ideas and Slogans is a living list – please continue to send your thoughts on this.
***Board Review: Consider a change and whether we can have designers help us with making new membership materials.

#3 ORNAMENT: (Click here to see picture attachment) Jen shared that Faith researched Hermann pewter ornaments as a potential fund-raiser and provided pictures and price information to share with the committee. Faith stated she needed to know by Friday 10/16 what the text should be on the back of the ornament so we would have these for sale at the holidays. The committee memberss asked whether this was a DONE DEAL and if there was going to be a board vote regarding this. Some folks commented that the ornament is used "one time of the year" and that educating folks about the center - we should look for something that can be used all year. Compromise Idea: As a possibility – we could have a gift section on our Center website and have an agreement with the business that would give the center money for any ornament that is purchased. People could “personalize their ornament and then the center could potentially get more money?!

We chatted about what 'could' be on the back of the ornament. Here's what was discussed:
  • Put some historical reference Hanover Arts and Activities Center Established in _______
  • Leave the back blank and have someone with a custom engraving device do "special orders" at the center where things could be personalized.
  • "Membership Date
  • "Thank you for preserving our center.

***Board Review: Vote on whether we should purchase the ornaments and/or consider an alternative ( see marketing materials brainstorm below)

#4 VIDEO: Jen shared that Meriwether met with Tom Wulf about a video to promote our center. We all agreed that it would be a great way to educate folks about THE CENTER !!!! In addition all agreed that it would be great to show at a future Membership Event.

Meriwether/Faith: Is there a timeframe that Tom is thinking to have this accomplished?

#5 MEMBERSHIP EVENT: –January Fest - CLEVER NAME NEEDED: Jen shared that the center is currently available for a “membership drive” on the weekend of Jan. 22 – 23, 2010 Friday – Saturday. All members agreed that would be a good time to have an event. We said we need to work on marketing materials to use at the event. We would be rekindling a historical tradition with the center!

ALL: Sign up if you would like to be a part of the membership event sub-committee
***Board Review: Let us know if we can use the center to promote membership on January 22 2010
***Board Review: Let us know if we can make this an annual event or bi-annual so it can be a part of our literature


Jen shared that in August meeting with Curtis that changing our level benefits would definitely help with increasing membership. Jen gave out our current levels. Many folks on our committee didn't realize we had levels beyond individual and family. Jen presented a quick overview of the Montpelier Center and the Isle of Wight Center and what the different benefit levels are and what activities they have going on in their centers. It was agreed that it would be a good idea to visit other centers to get a feel for the environment and what is offered and what HAAC activities can happen.

Benefit Level Ideas:What could be "benefits"?

  • Ticket discount for events such as the Variety Show
  • FRONT ROW SEATS for the Variety Show
  • Discount on shirts and races for RRR
  • Center Bumper Sticker
  • One free pass to each of the Center Events
  • Key ring give you discounts are Ashland Main Street Businesses – MAP or whoever joins us
  • E-Mail newsletter
  • Recognition on our Center Website
  • Name on SOMETHING (Benches, plaques, etc) that is part of the historic part of the center***
  • Lunch with the Dancing Queens at the Iron Horse – or Center Stars!
  • Discounts on Travel Programs run by the Center- Bus tour would give back the center for a trip for Seniors for example.
  • Model something like the PBS Layering System

ASIDE: We talked about using the outdoor planter space as a place to recognize members – we all agreed that we would need a Development Team to focus on this and of course work with the Landscape committee. Jen stated that McKinney may be willing to do a FREE design for the front of the center to make it asthetically pleasing and allow for friendly outdoor events. The AARP is considering benches for another project and materials were provided by Susan and Lee Chambers to review (

ALL: The Benefit Level Ideas is a living list – please continue to send your thoughts on this. ***Board Review: Vote on presenting alternative levels at the November meeting once the mission statement and strategy is confirmed.


All agreed that we need a Membership Committee PRESENCE at every event sponsored by the center and BIG Ashland events like Strawberry Faire, etc.
ALL: Send Jen a list of Ashland EVENTS where you think our Membership Committee should have a representative. Sign up to help create a display for use at each event and materials to use to promote the center. Jen will have a sign up sheet posted on our blog by Oct. 22

Activities: What kind of activities would you like to see at the Center?

  • WIRELESS –TECH TALK classes where everyone comes and we use the projection device for tutorials on blogging
  • Ball Room Dancing
  • Belly Dancing
  • Movies on the Lawn
  • Card Games
  • Things that appeal to Seniors
  • Bus tours to COOL Places where a certain cut of the money would go back to the Center!
  • Script Readings
  • Book Clubs
  • Ashland Symphony – where kids of all ages come to play...older kids helping the younger kids who don't have strings at elementary anymore!
  • Lantern Lighting and walk about town that ends up at the center. Bonfire outside the center for sharing time together. Ashland's Own FIRST LIGHT! (Riederer Idea:)
  • Christmas Trees Displayed at Holiday Time with decorations from all the different Ashland organizations (Riederer Idea:)
  • Town GHOST they do in Williamsburg, Savannah
  • Essay Contest -
  • Sewing workshop
  • Children's art competition - pictures of trains
  • Center of the Universe TOUR (Scavenger Hunt - get historical information about different locations in our town - at the Center of the Center - a FINAL destination - patrons would receive a special 'prize'

ALL: The Activities Listing is a living list – please continue to send your thoughts on this.

***Faith/Alan A.: Have we considered going wireless at the center in the past? If not - can we research this as a possibility for offering classes or more technology seminars.

Faith: We talked about having an on-line calendar so we would know when the center IS available so the membership committee would know when there was GREEN time to use for membership promotional activities. Other organizations offer this – let us know your thoughts.

Membership Event: January Fest January 22nd - Can we rekindle an OLD tradition and make it AMAZING?!

  • Show a WONDERFUL TOM WULF production that educates everyone on the center!!!
  • Give out the invitation at the Christmas event!!!
  • Have the membership event reflect the atmosphere of the town- have it be an ADULT or FAMILY event is up for discussion.
  • Offer a Contest for Naming the Center
  • Advertise through EMAIL - e-Newsletter versus Paper
  • Reinvent the HAAC in the new year with the Community's help!!!
  • It's a New Year at the C E N T E R

ALL: The Membership Event is a living list – please continue to send your thoughts on this.

    Marketing Ideas: How do we market our Center?

    1. Go to local businesses to recruit members. (Jen has emailed Jill Grant regarding Main Street Participation)
    2. Partner with local businesses to present activities.
    3. Offer at least one meeting per year for the entire membership at which a really good program – guest speaker comes!
    4. Plan events that are JUST for seniors
    5. Get our grant person to solicit donation and sponsorships from big organizations like Target
    6. Use the Town Channel
    7. Make sure our presence is associated with 501c3
    8. Offer discount at stores
    9. Advertise that you are selling the preservation of our building.
    10. Define our audience....Western Hanover needs are center even more than Mechanicsville!
    11. FOCUS on OUTREACH..We Know We Can't Serve Everyone!
    12. What is our radius
    13. For the Variety Show year – make being IN THE SHOW be a membership drive! Benefit is that everyone gets their name in the program!!!
    14. PEOPLE POWER... contest for members who bring in MORE Members (past MC idea shared by Patrick)
    15. HAVE A CENTER AUCTION with items donated from businesses...include an advertisement from the business ... like PH

    ALL: The Marketing Ideas is a living list – please continue to send your thoughts on this.

    Jen: Let committee know the outcome of discussion with Jill Grant and Main Street.

    Marketing Materials:
    • Key Ring:(have a circular key tab – similar to Ukrops, Target – that would be used to show Center Membership- perhaps with Are you Centered?
    • Invitation to give out at the Holiday Event that brags about our events in the FUTURE!!!
    • Membership Folder for Prospective Members to include: Brochure, Listing of levels, History of the Building, Contact Information, Committees & Functions
    • NEW brochure (electronic format too) to show What's Happening at the Center of the Center- What have we done What is going on in 2010 ***
    • Offer PLANNING the event for the GROUP

    ALL: The Marketing Materials is a living list – please continue to send your thoughts on this.

    Our Membership Subcommittees: What can you do to help?

    Brochure – Marketing Materials: Revamp our the current center brochure (see attached) to include new levels and market our “center of the center” . This will also act as an education material. (Christiane)

    Mail Out: Participate in mail out of revamped brochure/invitations to center members and “potential members” and “potential donors”.

    Research: Learn from what other centers have done successfully. Take field trips (Montpelier, Isle of Wight – others) where we will meet with other membership folks and find out what works and what doesn't. Present new ideas to the committee & board. Research may also include online and phone data. (Carolyn)

    Membership EVENT January 2010: With the boards approval – we will rekindle an old tradition of the Center – have a NEW YEARS gathering - “January Party” for all our members and “potential” future members. This will occur on EVEN years (non-Variety show years). Potential Date: January 22nd Friday at the Center – We hope to make this an event that will have the entire town wanting to be members of our Center!

    Recruitment: Have a membership presence at each Center event. This will include people and a visual which we will develop. Form partnerships with other town organizations. Assist in developing promotional materials-events-trainings that generate revenue of our Center.

    Communication: Making calls to current board members each month as a reminder about the board meetings. Update via blog or email as well.

    ALL: Let me know which of the following subcommittees interest you. In parentheses are people that signed up at our Oct. 13 meeting. Thanks in advance for helping!

    S U M M A R Y

    Please READ and Respond to any yellow items - Add to the Living Lists...send and email with suggestions. Reference the list in your message. Continue to think and share your thoughts with the committee – send all emails to Jen – let me know what you want posted! Keep checking out the BLOG! See you all at the next BOARD MEETING – October 22!!!

    SURVEY SENT OUT 10-15-09 Please Respondy By 10-19-09 MONDAY

    Click here to fill out the survey:)

    Attachments are being scanned and will be posted!!!! THANKS AGAIN. J

    Fun Committee Fair PHOTOS

    IT's a new year for our Center. Check out some Committee Fair photos!
    Stay tuned to find out who signed up for which committee!

    Let's Get Started with Publicity!!!

    Hello, fellow Board Members: if you have found your way to the Publicity/Newsletter blogs can you please let me know if you signed up for the Publicity Committee or Newsletter Committee? I offered to chair but that part is not yet a done deal. I am ON the committee and would like to help our chair (might be me!) rally the troops for this fun and important part of our way-forward. Whoever chairs, together we are going to make this FUN and worthwhile and we will have good treats at committee meetings!
    So...let me know if you want to be part of Publicity and/or Newsletter. Best, Carolyn 798-9131

    Wednesday, October 14, 2009

    Riederer Ideas for Events that promote Membership

    1) Lighting of the Lanterns - Childrens Parade that starts and ends at the center. Bonfire in the front!

    2) Like with the White House and having Christmas Trees from all the states, we could have tree decorations in front of the Center. Local farmers could donate live trees - decorations could be from schools, community groups, WINNERS could receive a decorated TREE!!!

    Idea from Tammy - RETHINKING THE CATEGORIES "Centered" theme categories!

    .....I believe we were all in favor of changing the brochure. One of the changes included rethinking the categories..."Centered" categories!!

    How about making the categories fun and catchy. In place of the categories representing a human body or groups of bodies or corporations (ex. Individual, Family, etc.), we may want to offer categories with discounts applying to one of the following group types.

    "Fitness Forward"
    Group Classes: Yoga, Chair Yoga for Seniors, Pilates, Creative Movement for Kids
    Health Fair: Cholesterol Screening, Blood Pressure Checks, Flu Shots
    Watch Your Waist: Weight Loss Program

    "For the Love of Art"
    Group Art Classes: Watercolor, Pastels, Photography
    Museum Bus Trips: Travel to DC art openings or the VA Museum

    "Gourmet Enthusiast"
    Discounts to certain restaurants (see below)
    Cooking classes, nutritional workshops, and demonstration of how to use products from our local farmers (see below)


    1. Restaurant Discounts (sample below)

    Children's Museum of Richmond
    Max & Erma's Benefit for the Children's Museum of Richmond
    Max & Erma's is a proud supporter of the Children's Museum of Richmond (CMoR) and is hosting a benefit this Sunday, October 18th! Eat lunch or dinner at Max & Erma's and a portion of the proceeds will support the museum's misson and programs. Bring the kids for a fun family meal and mention CMoR to your server.
    Great Food, Great Family Outing and a Great way to Help CMoR!

    2. Cooking classes (sample below). By the way, Tammy and Jen would like to attend this event. Anyone interested in attending with me?

    Pheasant a la Normande Cooking Demo & Wine Pairing Nadolski's Butcher Shop - (Goochland, Virginia)

    Learn first hand from Chef Jonathan who will be showing us how to cook this traditional French dish. We'll have wine tastings and musicians starting at 5:30. The cooking demo begins at 6:00. Tickets are sold in advance for $15 and space is limited. Tickets should be purchased prior to the event by phone (804- 556-4888) or in the shop. As a bonus, attendees get $20 off purchases that same night. Please note: This event was previously scheduled for October 15th and has been moved to October 28th.
    Date: Oct 28, 2009 Start Time: 5:30 PM End Time: 7:00 PM Organized by: Nadolski's Butcher Shop Web site: Address: 2913 River Road West
    Goochland, VA 23063
    Phone:<> 804-556-488

    How about a cooking workshop series named "Around the World and Centered Again".

    Beaujolais Nouveau Release Dinner Party
    We are excited to announce that Executive Chef Michel Bardavid from The Secret Garden restaurant in Moorpark ( will be our special guest chef! Join us for a rollicking good time as we celebrate this time honored tradition:

    3. Nutritional classes/workshops (sample below)
    NutrientChef cooking classes are a fun, interactive way to spend time with a group of friends. The atmosphere is relaxed and light-hearted as guests learn how to prepare new dishes and have the opportunity to sample their creations! NutrientChef also offers group classes for children! CLICK HERE FOR A SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING COOKING CLASSES!
    How it Works:
    NutrientChef In-Home Cooking Classes offer over 20 specific class topics. To get started, a host invites 6-10 of their friends to participate in the class.

    • Quick & Healthy Family Meals
    • Healthy After School Snacks
    • Healthy Cooking for One

    4. Local Farmers to introduce their crops through holiday meals. (sample below)

    5. Holiday Meals (sample below)

    Brochure & Marketing Materials Sub-Committee

    Members: Christiane & Tammy

    Mission: Revamp our the current center brochure (see attached) to include new levels and market our “center of the center” . This will also act as an educational material.

    Newsletter Committee Members 2009-10

    Meriwether Gilmore & Faith Boyle (Co-Chairs)
    Tracy Brown
    Kristen Booth

    Finance Committee Members 2009-10

    Allan Funk (Chair- Treasurer)
    Alan Abbott
    Ross Booth
    Paul Franklin
    Jill Grant
    Dave Klisz
    Ross Luck
    Ron Petitt
    Mike Spence

    Building Committee MEMBERS 2009-10

    Lee Chambers (Chair)
    Brent Chambers
    Ross Booth
    Ron Petitt
    Christiane Riederer
    Sylvia Spagna
    Mike Spence
    Gwen Strane

    Grounds Committee Members 2009-10

    Doris Hassell (Chair)
    Susan Chambers
    Paige Christy (evenings and weekends)
    Darcy Inge
    Tammy Roe
    Sylvia Spagna
    Gwen Strane

    Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    1st Membership Meeting 10-13-09 Attendance

    The meeting was well attended! Thanks so much to the following (11) membership committee members who came and CONTRIBUTED so many thoughts and ideas. Minutes/ideas are being compiled and will be posted on this blog along with handouts.
    1. Annette Ardler
    2. Jen Chambers* (Chair)
    3. Susan Chambers
    4. Barbara Keeton
    5. Dave Klisz
    6. Carolyn Peart
    7. Christiane Riederer
    8. Tammy Roe
    9. Gwen Strane
    10. Mary Kay Thompson
    11. Patrick Warren
    Members unable to attend who were certainly missed:)
    Tracy Brown
    Jill Grant
    Elizabeth Melson

    Outreach Committee FUTURE POST